Room Condition Damage Fees

Below is an overview of charges put in place by Green Hub Development LLC (GHD) for damages to the unit when a resident vacates. All fees are minimum costs, and may increase depending on the extent of damage. Fees for shared areas will be divided among the number of residents using the space.

Paint Damages

  • Bedroom paint damage: $175.00 minimum 
  • Common unit areas paint damage: $225.00 minimum

Cleaning Issues

  • Bedroom cleaning issue: $100.00 minimum
  • Common unit areas cleaning issue: $250.00 minimum


  • Damage to furniture, per replacement cost
  • Damage to appliances, per replacement or repair cost
  • Damage to door, locks, flooring, wall or any another item per repair or replacement cost

Vacating the Unit

When a Resident vacates a unit, the Resident is responsible for removing all personal belongings. Any personal belongings remaining in the unit after the expiration or early termination of the Term of Occupancy will be deemed abandoned, and subsequently removed and disposed of by the Landlord. The cost of removal and disposal will be charged to the Resident. The Resident is responsible for leaving the unit in broom-clean condition.


The Resident will be held financially responsible for damages to the assigned unit caused by acts of commission or omission of the Resident or the Resident’s guests. Upon taking possession of the unit, the Resident agrees to complete a Room Condition Report with the Landlord or Landlord’s representative, which reflects the condition of the unit.  A final inspection by the Landlord or Landlord’s representative will occur at the time the Resident vacates. Such inspection will be for the purpose of assessing any damages to the unit. The Resident agrees to reimburse the Landlord for any and all damages incurred, exclusive of normal wear and tear.